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“Teacher training with Linda was one of the most rewarding gifts I have given myself. I learned so much more about yoga, alignment, and especially myself. Linda will challenge you to go beyond your own boundaries. Linda is so knowledgeable and passionate about what she does, and I think those are very important aspects for a teacher. You will gain all the tools you need to become a great teacher through your TT program with Linda. I have highly recommended the program to anyone wanting to take their practice to a new level.”
— Krystal Lovejoy
Empowering-Linda has a beautiful way of finding your comfort zone and then pushing you past the comfort zone during teacher training. I felt empowered to try things I never thought I’d be receptive to in my physical and spiritual yoga practice.

If you are thinking about yoga teacher training…stop! Do not let the time commitment or the cost deter you. If you want to teach or just want to deepen your practice for personal reasons…just trust and do it. I was renewed, rejuvenated, and recharged after every single weekend. Do this for yourself. I am certain you will be empowered, enlightened, and transformed by the experience too.
— Hope Bradley Hnat, Brunswick, OH

EMPower 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Ready to change your life?   If you love yoga, but are not getting the depth you want out of your yoga classes.  Or if you want a career helping people find their own light, then  you may want to consider yoga teacher training.

There is nothing I love more than leading a group of people through this immersion into a new life.  The six month program leaves everyone with more strength, courage and knowledge than you can imagine.   This transformational  training will be offered at Strongsville Recreation Center in 2021. 

We live in a society that seeks out quick fixes to our problems, and wants to fast track everything.   Yoga is a spiritual practice that is over 3000 years old and is rich in philosophy and opportunities for personal growth.  The EMPowerYoga Teacher Training is a six month program that immerses the student in this lifestyle.  

There are so many programs that can teach you how to teach a yoga class.   You can learn how to stand a the front of the room and explain how to move through yoga poses to your students.  This teacher training is so much more!  Through the six months of training, you will find confidence and strength.  This does not happen overnight.   Each month you will focus on new aspects of this practice, and then have time in between to incorporate them into your lifestyle. 

Your life cannot be changed in a few weeks.  Big changes are worth the time and effort, and the new you is worth the wait!   To learn more,  email me at info@lindastevensonyoga.com

  The program will be held one weekend each month from January through June of 2021.   We will meet on Friday evenings and Saturday and Sunday days.
February 26,27,28
March 12,13,14, 26,27,28
Apr 9,10,11,23,24,25
May 14,15,16,21,22,23

June 4,5,6

July 9,10,11 - Graduation!

Click here for our Teacher Training Brochure or Application.  Please email me if you have any questions. 

The brochure provides even more detail costs. 

“It was amazing to meet such beautiful people with the same goal in mind..... bringing our love of yoga to the masses. Linda did an exceptional job spoon feeding us the practice week by week until it was time for us to be the ones standing at the front of the room. She really has immersed herself in the world of yoga and it was a great experience to be able learn from her vast knowledge base! I would honestly do it all over again a second time, if I had the chance. “
— Jennifer Wells