Having been in healthcare for my entire adult life, I have great respect for the value that our physicians and nurses bring.   This western medicine has an important part in our healing when it comes to life saving measures.   You want them on your side if you experience an acute illness, injure yourself or incur serious trauma!

However, typically, this traditional form of medicine does not provide us the guidance we need to get to the root of chronic health concerns or help us to understand how we can optimize our health to avoid getting illness in the first place!  This is where Integrative Health comes in.

As an integrative health practitioner, our goal is to help you balance your body, so that it can heal itself.  We do not diagnose or treat disease, but want to help you find optimal health by balancing all of the systems of the body, so that you can eliminate any “dis-ease” in the body.   We combine the best of all healing modalities, including Ayurveda, Chinese medicine and orthomolecular medicine to get to the root of any discomfort you may be experiencing.   The approach includes a well-rounded look at the person, not the disease.     

As an Integrative Health Practitioner, I will work with you to bring balance to your body and life by looking at the whole person, body, mind and spirit.